Our patented FoneTrac® travel safety app was developed by us over a 5-year period. The idea came from a client who told us that monitoring of travel itineraries wasn’t useful if their personnel crossed the US/Mexico border each day by car, or when they traveled to China and then used another itinerary, train, etc., to travel onward from their arrival point.

Travel Safety AppThe system doesn’t monitor locations continuously for privacy/technical reasons, but each time a traveler presses the Check-In or Panic Alert button, we have an almost immediate and exact location. In the absence of a location, it follows that we cannot provide timely assistance, or it may be delayed. The system has also proved useful in the aftermath of a major event to account for persons who are believed to be in the vicinity.

Travel “Assistance” vs. Travel “Insurance”

It’s worth mentioning that there’s a difference between “assistance” and “insurance”. It’s one thing to be reimbursed in the future for the cost of lost or stolen items, but the main concern at the time is that the traveler may need immediate and appropriate personal care, or repatriation, etc.

Using the Panic Alert button on FoneTrac connects to a 24/7 emergency Command Center where our team will communicate with executives and figure out how best to get them the response and security assistance needed, wherever they may be around the world. (FoneTrac also has a built-in contact number for security advice in non-emergency cases.)

In addition, executives will be able to use the Check-In button throughout your trip to communicate to a boss back in the USA as well as loved ones and our security experts that they are safe and doing well. It’s an easy, no-frills way of ensuring travel safety without the extra expense and hassle of texting back and forth with multiple people back home.

Published On: September 12th, 2017Categories: Travel SecurityTags: , ,

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